Sermons tagged with ‘faith’

4 Items

The Power of Covenant


The Power of Covenant
The Covenant speaks and is powerful! Pastor Didi defines God’s Covenant, what it means and how it relates to the believer, and gives what every believer should know about the importance of the Covenant to Christian victory in all things.

The Operations of Faith


Text:  Hebrews 11:1-3   Introduction: The principle of faith is so key to our Christian understanding of ourselves, our callings, and what we could possibly do and become in relations to God and the world around us. It seems to me, from the facts of Scriptures that with out faith Christian life and living is […]

If Only You Believe


 (Part I) –          I have told you God’s mind for 2010 concerning you. Believe is the one thing you will need to make this year what God has already decided for you! –          We think we believe until you come face to face with Jesus and what it really it is to believe by Scriptural […]

The Power At Work in You


Text: Ephesians 1:15-23 Second Introduction to The Power at work in you I will never forget, last Sunday, when the Apostle was outlining some of the steps of faith this ministry (His Chosen) will soon embark on for growth and expansion, I sat there wondering what in the world is he is saying. I came […]